AT CHC, our desire is to raise up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This means that from the cradle to graduation, we want the gospel to be at the center of everything we do in raising up the next generation.


The safety and care of our children is a major priority for our team at Covenant Hope. Below are some of the safety measures we engage to help create safe spaces for our precious little ones:

  • A minimum of 2 adults are required for all child-care situations

  • Professional background checks are required for all volunteers/staff

  • Only our female volunteers are allowed to change diapers

  • We collect important medical/allergy data to share with our volunteers

  • We utilize a safe check-in/check-out system


Soccer Nights is our annual FREE summer camp offered to our community and church young people. Soccer Nights runs in the evenings and features soccer drills, scrimmages, fun activities, snacks and a brief bible lesson. At the end of the week, we invite everyone back for a FREE cookout.

Check back soon for information on registering for Soccer Nights 2025!


On Sunday mornings, we have an Equip Class dedicated to Youth, ages 6th grade through 12th. We also have a monthly Youth gathering that happens on Sunday evenings featuring:

  • Musical Worship

  • Bible Study

  • Fun Games/Activities

  • And plenty of time for fellowship


We know that caring well for children is important to all parents. If you have any questions about our philosophy of ministry to children or even practical questions about logistics/times, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll follow up.